Prayers 2 22 2015
*Welcome! First Sunday in Lent
*Lanna Coffee available for purchase after worship today; and of course, we accept donations whether you drink coffee or not—recently, a study came out to say that up to 5 cups of coffee a day may be good for your health!
*Inquirers Class—still time to let me know
*Joint English Worship, next Sunday at 11:20 because of the YMCA Annual Run
*Biennial Mission Summit Information Meeting, 1:00, Fellowship Hall; anyone else interested?
*Regional Affiliation Q&A Forums, next Sunday, 9:00-10:00 and 1:00-2:00
*Women’s Retreat, 3 weeks away, March 13-15; see Lea for registration
Prayer Concerns
*Barbara Chan had a TIA incident which is a minor stroke; remaining in the hospital for more tests until Monday
Prayer of God’s People
O God, with the praise we offer to you in our worship this day, we express our gratitude for being among your people who are called and chosen. We come here in answer to your call, believing that in communion with you, and in fellowship with one another, we may be built up in spirit, in mind, and in heart, equipped for joyful and obedient service.
We pray that we would be your faithful disciples. We would listen to your voice alone and follow where you lead. Enable us this morning to receive the blessing of your strengthening and make us true to our vocation as your disciples.
God of mercy, we pray for ourselves that we may be strong in the Lord particularly in the face of troubles and suffering. Be with Barbara Chan this morning as she recovers from this recent incident of a minor stroke—grant her healing and a solution toward strong health. Be with others who are dealing with challenges that require assistance from others and especially from you who perform miracles and wholeness.
In this season of Lent when we are invited to face our temptations and failure to listen to your plan for our lives, we confess our sin of wandering and willfulness that leave us away from you. Forgive us, we pray. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit who enables us with the power to remain faithful to our call as Christians.
And in the celebration of another Lunar New Year when families are gathered together for giving thanks for good health and harmony in the family, we pray that we would always be welcoming of others who are in need of community, those who are just having enough to get by, those who are seeking reconciliation with others to bring about wholeness and peace.
We ask all of this in Jesus’ all-powerful name and who taught us to pray together, “Our Father…”
Go out to fulfill your vocation as disciples of Jesus.
Be courageous knowing that Christ was knee deep with us making us new again.
Now may the blessing of God who gives us a high calling,
Christ who claims us for it,
and the Holy Spirit who equips us to be faithful to it,
rests and remains upon us all. Amen.