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Prayers: December 27, 2009

Prayers 12 27 09

*Welcome on this First Sunday after Christmas! We trust that you and your loved ones are having a joyous holiday and looking forward to a peaceful New Year

*Next Sunday, Dr. Chuck will be bringing the message as Pastor Peter and I will be attending the ABC Pastors Conference in Orlando, Florida; I will see many of you at the All-Church Leaders Launch on Jan. 9th

*All-Church Leaders Launch, Saturday, Jan. 9, 8:30 with coffee and bows; for all Board and committee members and church officers

*Church Disaster Drill, Sunday, Jan. 17, 2:00-4:00; learn about the Incident Command System and how to respond when a disaster hits; See Nelson Wong or Pastor Don

*Annual reports are due in preparation for the Church Annual Meeting, Sunday, Feb. 7

Prayer Concerns

*Pray for Jane Wong whose brother, Ben Fong, passed on Dec. 23, 52 with leukemia

*Shannon Jung, still hospitalized with an infection and kidney problems; pray for Elton, their son, Benjamin and their family

Prayer of God’s People

Shine your light once more on our hearts, Mighty God. Send your angels to sing to our souls. Come once more to your people with great needs. The good news is greater than we imagined, Lord so we come to worship and to be in prayer with you today.

Over these past few days, we have enjoyed our loved ones, friends, and acquaintances when we gathered for the holidays. Our lives are made fuller and more meaningful when there are others who care for us and permit us to care for them. We pray that our circle of friends will be made ever larger and more inclusive; welcoming all who seek the truth in you, Lord will find connection, friendship, and most of all, the love that comes from you in the gift of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, born on Christmas Day.

Read Related Sermon  Prayers: June 1, 2014

Loving God, we pray for the protection of those who are vulnerable and hidden from our sights that you may see them. We pray for those we know nothing about but in your magnificent grace, we trust that you will bless them and restore their souls. We are thankful for this season of Christmas, and ask for your strength and support for those who are struggling during this time.

Continue to be with Shannon Jung as she recovers from a difficult infection that has prevented her from being at home during Christmas. Encourage Elton as he tends to Shannon during this time of healing. We pray for Jane Wong and her family as they grieve over the passing of her brother, Ben Fong this past week. Comfort them as they celebrate and remember his life believing that we are all created in your image and place on this earth for a divine purpose.

We know that Isaiah’s prophecy has been fulfilled when “a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” O God, as we come to the end of the 2009 year of your creation since the birth of Jesus Christ, we pray that our sins be forgiven, our transgressions are forgotten, our failures to you and to each other can be means toward a recommitment for the work of long-lasting peace. We pray that as the New Year is upon us that this will be another opportunity for us to live in truth and righteousness with Christ as our authority and Lord of our lives.

Read Related Sermon  Prayers: February 6, 2011

Guide us in our worship and prayers to you today as we pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, born on Christmas Day and who taught us his disciples to pray together, “Our Father…”


Jesus is the light of the world. That light shines in the darkness. Draw near to that light during this time of giving.

Dear God, our minds are on so many things during this holiday season, but we are thankful for these few moments to focus on something that truly lasts. Let our love for our fellowship and even more for you take shape through these offerings that we share. Amen.


Now let your year depart in peace, with the blessing of God’s word. Wrap up in a bow a year’s worth of thoughts, 12 months worth of prayers. Prepare for a fresh start. God makes all things new! Go with the love, the same love that crafted stars and galaxies, the heart of the atom, and sculpting rain and blanketing snow.

And may God bless you and keep you.

May God’s face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

May the countenance of God, lifted on you, give you peace, shalom, wholeness, today and every day. Amen.

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