Harding College Chapel Messages
Harding College Chapel Messages My Practices Vegetarianism Daily Walk Seeing God’s Presence Vegetarianism by Faith Growing up in a Chinese- American home, there was always some kind of meat dish.
Harding College Chapel Messages My Practices Vegetarianism Daily Walk Seeing God’s Presence Vegetarianism by Faith Growing up in a Chinese- American home, there was always some kind of meat dish.Continue readingHarding College Chapel Messages
John 10:10-18 February 13, 2016 Message by Rev. Dr. Donald Ng given at the Nagaland Baptist Church Council’s 79th Annual Council Meetings, NPBCA Mission Centre, Chumukedima in Nagaland, India. GreetingsContinue readingThe Abundant Church
Helping Hands—Near and Far Rev. Don Ng, Former Senior Pastor (1998-2015) Celebrating a church anniversary is throwing a birthday party for God! People come near and far to remember theContinue readingHelping Hands—Near and Far
May 15, 2014 Message by Rev. Donald Ng receiving the “Spirit of The Hill Award” at Andover Newton Theological School in Newton Centre, Massachusetts. My deepest thanks and appreciation forContinue readingThe Hill of ANTS
We have come to the end of our retreat but it is not the end yet. Sonny said, “If it is not yet alright, it is not yet the end.”Continue readingNot the End Yet
May 18, 2013, 2:00 PM, Burmese ABC Church, Oakland Message given by Rev. Donald Ng at the American Baptist Seminary of the West Commencement, Oakland, California Mark 10:17-31 Beginning CommentsContinue readingInside Out
Psalm 23 Living in San Francisco or in the Bay Area, sheep are not what we see. There are dogs, cats, birds, and sea lions. There’s no sheep meadow inContinue readingSheep and Shepherd
*Welcome! Happy to have the Chinese Congregational Church with us tonight— Dul-Tones and readers *CCU Good Friday services; Easter Sunrise and YMCA Easter Breakfast *Our traditional service includes theContinue readingMaundy Thursday 2013
1 John 3:1-7 How many friends do you have on Facebook? Facebook sets a limit at 5000. We all know of people who are out to collect as many friendsContinue readingGod’s Children of Love
In 2006, eight members of the First Chinese Baptist Church in San Francisco went on a mission exploration trip to Thailand knowing that ABC has historical mission work there. WhatContinue readingEvery Sip Saves Lives!