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Righteous Days

Advent 1—November 28, 2021

Jeremiah 33:14-16

Righteous Days

Thought For Today: “The days are surely coming, says the Lord.” Jeremiah 33:14a (NRSV)

Happy New Year, People of Faith! The first Sunday of Advent is the beginning of the church calendar when we begin to expect the birth of our Lord. Our world is fraught with calamities, unrest, and uncertainties much like the people in exile during Jeremiah’s times. We feel despair when hope and promises end up as dashed dreams.

When my children were young, they asked me what I would like for Christmas knowing all along that they wouldn’t have any money to buy anything unless I gave them the money, I would say, “Peace and goodwill among all!” After a couple of years, they would catch on and repeat what I want before I could say it.

Unlike resolutions we might make on January 1st, the beginning of Advent is not what we might do but what God promises that the days are coming when God’s purpose in the world is that a “righteous Branch will spring up for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.” (33:15b)

This is peace and goodwill among us all.

Prayer: O God, lead us to trust in your promise that in light of our despair, the days of righteousness are coming in the birth of our Lord, the Christ. Amen.

Donald Ng, Sausalito, CA

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