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Othniel Wing-Kwong Tom (Otto) Baby Dedication

April 22, 2017

Every child delivered into the loving arms of his parents is a gift from our Creator God. And like any gift, it’s often a surprise when you open it. If it were a piece of art, you would need to locate a place to put it. When the gift is a baby, you end up with a cradle in your bedroom, Huggies in every room, and a double stroller! But over time, every gift of a child finds his place in your home and today we give thanks to God for that incredible gift of life.

Exactly 6 months ago yesterday, Othniel Wing-Kwong Tom was born on October 21, 2016. For most of us, the name “Othniel” is unfamiliar but it’s the first of 12 judges in the book of Judges found in the Old Testament. After Othniel led a successful expedition in the land of Debir, he was awarded with his wife Achsah, daughter of Caleb. Then after Joshua passed, the Israelites fell into the hands of the King of Mesopotamia and who came to deliver them from this bondage? It was Othniel again! And this led to 40 years of peace in the land. Because of what Othniel did, his name means “Godly leadership in keeping peace among a community of people.”

Eunice and Kenneth hope that Othniel will have courage as his namesake means to step up for what is right. He’s the next and upcoming generation to “resist, insist and persist!” When he is actively doing justice that he would have the personal integrity and humility that would focus on the cause rather than on himself.

Being a peacemaker is a high call especially today. Keeping peace with his brother Nico is one thing but being a peacemaker that would lead a society if not the world toward reconciliation and 40 years of peace is a very high call. Like the Othniel of old, this Othniel will recruit and challenge all of us to join together in the making of peace. Therefore, the verse I wish to bless Othniel with is Matthew 5:9 from the Beatitudes, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

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Othniel is called “Otto.” Did you know that “Otto” is a “palindrome” name? It means that it can be spelled forward and backward and it would still be correct. It means it can be done “again” just like the Othniel of old was able to deliver the Israelites two times. Eunice and Kenneth, you mentioned that having another boy was especially welcomed because you already have all the necessary boy clothes and toys from Nico. Now you can use them “again,” a second time.

One of your prayers for Otto is that he would have compassion. With Nico as his brother, you pray that Otto will have compassion for his older brother who will have to struggle more to learn and grow up. I believe that as you lovingly and faithfully raise your family with the love of God expressed in the compassion of our Lord for all his disciples, Nico will be able to teach Otto the truth of the meaning of life and Otto will be able to teach Nico the many opportunities that life has to offer.

You told us that Otto loves to sing, “If You Are Happy and You Know It” especially when he is doing the hand motions. Besides using words, singing, hand motions, touching, listening, praying as well as many other ways that God has gifted us to communicate with one another, God brings us together as a loving family and a caring and supportive community.

It is said that the name, “Otto” is a strong palindrome name with attractive “Os” on both ends serving as bookends. Today, we have Otto’s godparents Kathy and Andy Winfield to be one of the bookends. Eunice and Kenneth, you are the other bookends. You are the primary caregivers who will have significant influences in the making of this peacemaker.

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To the Parents:

In presenting Othniel Wing-Kwong Tom to God, do you promise that through the grace given you and in partnership with this community of faith, you will teach him the truths and responsibilities of the Christian faith, and seek to lead him into a living relationship with Jesus Christ?

Parents:                      We will.

To the Community:

Do you, the loving family and community of this child, accept the responsibility, together with the parents, grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles, to teach this child that he may be brought to full maturity in Jesus Christ? If so, will you signify your acceptance by saying, “We will.”

Community:               We will.

Don holds Otto, “God bless you and keep you. God’s face shine upon you and be gracious to you. God look upon you with favor and give you peace. Amen.”

Presentation of Certificates and Roses

This certificate will remind you of the commitments you made here today. This rose, a universal symbol of beauty and God’s wondrous creation represents your child made in the image of God himself.

Closing Prayer

Dear God, even as Mary and Joseph brought the child Jesus to your house that he might be consecrated to your service, so these parents have brought this little one to this community, that among your people they might present him to you. Give to these parents your special graces of insight and love that under their guidance, Othniel Wing-Kwong Tom may grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with you and all people. Grant that we your people may truly be a household of faith to this child, providing him with food for the spirit to nourish him through the years of growth and maturity. With gratitude for this child we dedicate him, his parents, and ourselves, to the end that his life may be a blessing to you and a service to humanity. Amen.

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