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Prayers: April 5, 2015

Prayers 4 5 2015

*Welcome on this joyous Easter day!

Some have attended the Sunrise service this morning at 7:00 when Pastor Visal and the youth and their leaders joined the youth and leaders of the Chinese Congregational church to lead the CCU service—it was beautiful!

Some have enjoyed the abundance of life at the YMCA’s annual Easter Pancake Breakfast; it’s important that we support our partners in ministry and neighbor

Just prior to our gathering, our Chinese-speaking congregation gave praise to God for “He is risen! He is risen, indeed!”

*A Mission Day in Chinatown: our once a year all-church event; learn about the needs and trends happening in our community; Rev. Norman Fong will begin our day followed by 2-sets of rotating learning centers led by community leaders—morning and early afternoon; free lunch; register today for count; like to see at least 100 people present; child care is available; this Saturday—9:00-3:00

*3 on 3 Basketball, next Sunday

*Joint English Adult SS Class with a panel of educators, next Sunday, 10:00, YMCA

*Regional Affiliation Forums: April 19 at 1:00 and May 17 at 9:00 with the proposed Special Membership Meeting on May 31st

*Church Yosemite trip is two weeks from now; see David Louie

*Hallelujah Chorus, insert; since this is my last Easter with you as your senior pastor, I would like us at the conclusion of our service today to sing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus

Legend has it that in 1743, the British monarch King George II was so moved by Handel’s Hallelujah chorus that he stood out of respect for the “Lord of Lords,” the only authority above his own. When the king stands, everybody stands. And since then everyone has followed suit.

Read Related Sermon  Prayers: November 30, 2014

Prayer Concerns

*Don Fong’s father, Soo Fong who was in hospice care passed on March 29; he was 92; private services took place this past Friday

*Wendi Lin’s aunt passed after suffering from colon cancer; since Harry and Eason are still in China, they attended the services

The Lord’s Supper

This invitation to the Lord’s Table is what I heard growing up and perhaps for many of you what you also heard from Dr. Chuck when he presided over this table across many years.

Come to this table, not because you must but because you may;

come to testify not that you are righteous but that you sincerely love our Lord Jesus Christ and desire to be his true disciples.

Come, not because you are strong, but because you are weak; not because you have any claim on heaven’s rewards, but because in your frailty and sin you stand in constant need of heaven’s mercy and help; come, not to express an opinion, but to seek a Presence and to pray for a Spirit.

And now that the Supper of the Lord is spread before you, lift up your minds and hearts above all selfish fears and cares. Let this bread and this cup be to you the witness and signs of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit.

Before the throne of the heavenly Father and the cross of the Redeemer make your humble confession of sin, consecrate your lives to Christian obedience and service, and pray for strength to do the holy and blessed will of God.

Read Related Sermon  Prayers: November 7, 2010


Now may the God of peace, who brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, make you complete in everything good so that you may do God’s will, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. (Heb. 13:20-21)

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