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David and Wendy Louie’s 40th Anniversary

June 2, 2018, 5:00 PM, Flower Lounge Restaurant, Millbrae

David and Wendy have always been about family. Wendy matches houses with homebuyers to become homes where families can thrive. David with the help of God’s gift of life helps people heal and become strong healthy families. They work together and grow together so that everyone who has the opportunity to know them is blessed to experience their generosity. For a number of years, they kept the church’s annual trip to Yosemite going because David knew the importance of families enjoying the great outdoors.

For any of us who have been to David and Wendy’s home in Berkeley would see that their wedding portrait of 40 years ago still claims a central place above the fireplace mantle in their living room. On a daily basis, it reminds them of their marriage vows and commitment and loyalty to each other. Blessed with 3 bright children, now with a son-in-law and grandchildren and definitely with more added family members to come, David and Wendy are models for us to admire and from whom to learn. Today, they have invited us all to celebrate their 40th anniversary of their commitment to each other and pray that in God’s sight, there will be many more years of bliss to come.

Let us pray. Gracious and loving God, your love for your creation was made evident in your giving of your Son Jesus Christ, our Savior to be a part of human families. In Christ, we learned about unselfish love, faithfulness, and the joy of life. We pray that you will continue to watch over David and Wendy and their family as they serve you as disciples in the world both in word and in deeds. Now we ask that you bless this meal for us to enjoy in celebration of their 40th anniversary as well as nourishments for our lives to live more faithfully in you. In the name of our Lord, we pray. Amen.

Read Related Sermon  Prayers: September 26, 2010

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