July 28, 2018
O gracious and loving Creator God who set the universe in place but also formed and breathed life into every living creature, we come today giving thanks and praise for the precious gift of life and the days of our lives to enjoy it. Today we celebrate with happiness and joy to participate at this occasion the faithful love that Arnold and Gina have had for 50 years of marriage. This golden anniversary symbolizes for us the enduring and dedicated love they have shared and serve as an example for all of us to emulate. We pray for their continuing care for one another and the good health to persevere through opportunities and challenges in the years to come. We pray, O Lord for you to bless this luncheon for our use and for our sustaining health and wellbeing. Thank you, dear God for the many good friends and loving family members who have come that this day be a time of warm fellowship and celebration. Inasmuch as Jesus attended a wedding at Cana, let us share the joy of Arnold and Gina’s happiness today! In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.