Prayers 11 29 98
Call to Worship
Awaken to a season of anticipation.
God is offering hope within and among us.
How good it is to gather in God’s house!
God draws us together for this time of worship.
You have wakened us from sleep and led us to this place, wondrous God. Now let us feel your presence with us as we encounter your Word. Surely you have blessed us. You have drawn us together and bound us firmly to one another. We give you thanks for giving us an identity as friends of the First Chinese Baptist Church through Jesus Christ. In this season we remember your unexpected appearance among us in the birth of a child. You make yourself known to us again and again. May we know you now! Amen.
Prayer of God’s People
Dear Gracious God, we are thankful for the gatherings of friends and family members during this past week as we share with each other the blessings that you have given us. We enjoyed these times of catching up with one another and to renew friendships and relationships. Today we celebrate the birth of James Cheng and the safety and health of Gem, Edward, and their daughter, Faith. Bless them, dear Lord and may their family continue to be rich with your love and care. Continue to bless all of us and help us to grow in our faith in Christ.
O God, come to comfort us in times of questioning and uncertainties. We pray for those who are hurting and suffering because they need you more now than ever before. Be with Susan Lee’s former student, Johnny Wong who recently lost his mother. Grant him some sign of hope that there is indeed a tomorrow when it feels so dark right now. Comfort and heal those of us who are experiencing illnesses and recovery. Be with Anne Lee as she prepares for surgery tomorrow. Hold her in your arms, safe and secured, so that she knows your constant presence with her. Restore us all with vitality and a fullness of life.
Gracious God, there are times when we are caught in the webs of the night. We are unable to see what others are seeing or walk where others are walking. Guide us to become compassionate to love our sisters and brothers when trust has been eroded. Shine the light so that the nighttime will turn to morning.
Wake us up, Holy One, to what hour it is. Stir us out of our perpetual sleep. Awaken us to the reality that your day is at hand. Deliver us from the works of the night and cleanse us for the good works of the day.
We pray for the peace of the city, for the sake of our children, our friends, and our neighbors. We pray for peace on our streets and security within our homes. We call on your name in our churches to have hope. For the sake of your holy name and the healing of your household of faith, O God, bring peace and hope to the world.
Let us put on Jesus Christ that others may discern Christ’s coming through us who taught us to pray together, Our Father…
How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuse help? Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.
Offertory Prayer
Thank you, God, for the privilege of sharing this ministry with you with those in need. We seek to walk in your light and follow the pathways where you lead. May we, your people, be made ready for Christ’s coming. Amen.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)