Prayers 12 24 2008
*Thanks be to God for Joy’s organ concert!
*Welcome to our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols to hear and sing the entire Christmas story;
you may follow along by using the Bibles and hymnals located in the pews around you;
more special music planned for you tonight,
Deacons are reading the lessons;
Steven Ng will translate my message;
Be careful with the candle wax on the pews and carpet
cookies reception on the 4th floor following the service
*You are invited to Sunday Worship Services this Sunday, Dec. 28th, 9:10, 10:20, and 11:30
*Koren Ng’s father passed last Sunday; funeral service is this Sat., 12/27, 1:00 at Ashley McMullen on Geary at 6th Avenue
Pastoral Prayer
We are grateful, O God, that you do not despise our human condition. When we have put up walls around the world, you came to take them down. You have honored us by being born among us. You have loved us by becoming one of us. You have redeemed us by sharing in our existence. You know our weaknesses, our limitation, and yet you accept us. This is so amazing that you in your holiness and righteousness will stoop to love us and treat us as your beloved children.
Thank you, gracious God, for this wonderful story of your incarnation. We thank you today for whatever joy we might experience during this holiday. We pray that our observance of Jesus’ birth will honor you and will bring your good news to those who need encouragement. Thank you for touching our hearts with your love story. We give you our praise in the name of your son and our savior, Jesus the Christ who taught us to pray together, “Our Father…”
Offertory Sentence
May your offerings, which will be received at this time, be given as a love-gift to Jesus.
Christmas Offering Prayer
With humble hearts, gracious God, we place our offerings before you. Our gifts sit beside the manger that holds your great gift to all of creation. In Jesus Christ we have received your very self, for you entered our flesh and became one with humankind. We can never match your gift, and our offerings look so small in the context of the Christmas story. Receive our love, O God, for right now it is all we can give you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
May Emmanuel—God with us—be and abide with you now and forever.
May God’s promise of peace on earth and goodwill to all inspire you to do justice.
May the melodies of Christmas carols sing in your heart tonight and many days and nights to come.
Go in the peace of the incarnate Christ.