Christ at the Border
We have heard of the unaccompanied minors from Central American countries who have crossed the border into the US. There are as many as 60,000 to date. Each family had paid a “coyote” guide a fee $5,000 to $10,000 to only take the child to the border and leaving the child there. These children turn themselves over to the US Border Control police voluntarily. In their home countries, the families want to give their children a better life fleeing desperately from gang-controlled human trafficking, rape, and exploitation. Poverty and high unemployment offer little hope for these children to have a promising future. So they make this “go for broke” journey for a better life.
On August 29th, I joined our American Baptist missionaries serving in Tijuana, Mexico for a Prayer Vigil on calling American Baptists, all people for compassion and our government leaders to discuss the future protection of these unaccompanied minors to be recognized as refugees. With that status, these children would have due process under our laws and their fate would be appropriately addressed. When I was at the border fence that separated Tijuana from San Diego, I was moved by the realization that what separated the US and Mexico was just a high barbed-wire fence. At one point, those on the US side and we on the Mexico side were only able to touch fingertips to symbolize the unity that in Christ, nothing separates us as the Body of Christ.
For some time, the 11 million undocumented people in the US have asked for a clear path toward citizenship. But the US Congress and the White House have been unable to achieve such legislation. This reminded me that when the US Army drafted my father during WWII to fight for freedom in Germany, he returned as a citizen. And when he sponsored my mother and older brother with the help of First Baptist of Boston to come to America under the Displaced Person Act following WWII, they had a clear path to citizenship. Those who pick fruits and vegetables for our dinner tables, clean our houses and mow our lawns, wash pots and pans at our favorite restaurants and perform jobs that basically few Americans want also deserve a place in our American society. They need a clear path to citizenship too.
In Matthew 25, Jesus told us that when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of glory. He will ask us when did we give food to the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick and visit the prisoner? And when we provided all of this hospitality in these situations, we would have done them to Jesus Christ himself.
I would be the first to recognize the fact that there are many legal and substantive issues that need to be addressed regarding immigration laws, refugee status, and the general respect for law and order in the land. But I can’t imagine that when I am 30,000 feet up in the air and I can’t see any borders and boundaries that I believe God doesn’t see them either. Let us be in active compassionate prayer for those who seek a better life today as our ancestors did in the past. Pastor Don
World Mission Offering
This year’s annual World Mission Offering highlights the new ministries of Ivy and Emerson Wu in Macau whom we are supporting financially at FCBC. On the theme, Rise to the Challenge/A Time to Serve, the Wus are sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ to youth and young adults who have been heavily influenced by materialism from the casino and gambling businesses. The Wus want to reach youth with the truth of God’s saving grace in Christ. We receive the WMO offering during the month of October by your generous donation on Sundays during worship or you can send in your contribution to “FCBC” marking it for “WMO.” Our 2014 Annual Goal is: $4300.00.
Church Membership Meeting
Plan to attend the next Membership Meeting on Sunday, October 5th, 1:00 to review the 2015 Proposed Church Budget. The Finance Committee along with the chairs of boards and committees are preparing the 2015 Budget for your consideration. Once you approve the budget for the annual canvass, you will receive materials in the mail to prayerfully make your pledge to support the vital ministries and mission of FCBC in 2015. Plan to attend Pledge Sunday All-Church Worship, 10:30 at the YMCA gym when you turn in your pledges.
Fall Opportunities
The annual Seniors Retreat, beginning with lunch on Tuesday, Oct. 7 and ending with lunch on Thursday, Oct. 9 will once again be at the Siden Center in Redwood Glen, Loma Mar. Our featured speaker is Rev. Katie Choy-Wong, Senior Pastor at New Life Christian Fellowship (American Baptist) in Castro Valley. There will be a host of activities including morning exercises, field trip to local attractions and movie night. Register with Joel Jang.
The Senior Center on Wednesday, Oct. 8th, 12:00 will have Albert Chin share about San Francisco’s traffic laws and parking codes. Come for an afternoon of a healthy lunch, good fellowship and helpful information about our city’s traffic challenges. Sign up with Jimmy Yee, Dick and Anna Quan Wong.
The annual Men’s Retreat will begin with dinner on Friday, Oct. 31 and conclude with lunch on Saturday, Nov. 1st at the Siden Center in Redwood Glen. When the “guys” get together, we talk about men’s issues facing us at home, in the workplace, at church and in the community. We support each other to persevere in prayer and advice. Join the “guys” by contacting John Tom.
All-Church Clean-Up
Every Fall, the Trustees invite at least 2 representatives from our 20 fellowship groups to clean up the church home before the holiday season begins. On Saturday, Oct. 25, 8:30-12:00 (Lunch provided), come and roll up your sleeves to get our church ready for visitors and guests’ visits. As you serve the Lord, you will also become acquainted with your sisters and brothers in fellowship.
Family News
Our Annual Outdoor Worship and Church Picnic on August 24th at Ortega Park, Sunnyvale fed over 300 happy people with barbecue chicken, corn on the cob, and a Dessert Contest that received 29 entries! There were 4 winners:
Thanks to many who volunteered to make this all-church event a huge success every year!
Our Community Outreach Minister Zita Cheng completed her one-year service at FCBC to pursue God’s calling to possibly serve in China. We celebrated her effective ministry with us at the All-Church Outdoor Worship on August 24 by presenting her with an angel statue to watch over her wherever God leads her.
Congratulations to Erich Detert and Thi Kim Nguyen on their marriage on August 23rd! May God bless their new life together!
The Lanna Coffee Team first formed over 7 years ago to support ABC mission projects in northern Thailand and to end human trafficking by selling Lanna Coffee added 3 new members who participated in this past summer’s mission work team that built a clean water system in a Karen village. Welcome Aaron Tom, Ian Heung and Alexa Heung!
The Emmanuel Family Group celebrating its 52nd anniversary hosted a luncheon in honor of the faithful ministry of Pastor Emeritus Dr. James Chuck and Marie Chuck on Sept. 14th. The whole church was invited to lunch!
Our deepest sympathy to Herman Wan whose mother, returned to the Lord on September 12th. May God grant us comfort and the reassurance of the promise of eternal life.
- Staff 10:00
5 10—V
Membership Meeting, 1:00
7-9 Senior Retreat, Redwood Glen
8 Senior Center
12 10—V
11—ABC Missionaries Kyle & Katrina Williams, Congo
Fellowship Chairs Luncheon, 12:30
Deacons, 1:00
13 Holiday
15 Staff, 10:00
18 Sojourners
19 10—V
Music, 12:30
CE, 1:30
25 All-Church Fall Clean-up, 8:30
26 Pledge Sunday, 10:30, YMCA—D
31-11/1 Men’s Retreat, Redwood Glen
11/1 Women’s Fellowship
Daylight Savings Time ends