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Advent Hope

I have always been a morning person, someone who is a lark. After retiring from paid ministry over 6 years ago, I have found a daily walk is much like my daily bread. I feel better overall once I have done my morning walk.

After my cold cereal and banana, I see when the sun will rise and I set out 30 minutes before to begin my walk. Today the sun rose at 7:14. I am blessed to gaze at a sunrise over the Bay from Sausalito’s Bridgeway. Each sunrise is a sign of hope—a new day is about to begin, new growth will happen, former things give way to new beginnings.

On my daily walk, I see joggers hoping to be better fit. I chat with sweeper Juan who hopes that fewer people will litter the sidewalks. I greet Sharon and Jeanette and Wolf in his golfing outfit hoping for an even par at McInnis Park. On my daily walk, I hope to add another day in my later years.

As creatures, we have been gifted with a hopeful spirit. We make great strides to go forward, be optimistic, see the positive, focus on the promises or be hopeful. But in everything we attempt to do as creatures, we are still unable to match the Godly hope that comes at Christmas.

Not from our efforts or petitions that led God to save us. God in loving mercy and loving kindness for God’s own creatures that God became human to save us from ourselves so that we may live in peace, love, joy and with hope.

Next to my desk is a framed calligraphy from James Chuck. It’s Isaiah 40:39 to commemorate my 25th anniversary of my ordination in 2000.

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Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength.

They shall mount up with wings like eagles.

They shall run and not be weary.

They shall walk and not faint.

I wait for the Lord as I have learned to wait for the sun to rise. Only then will I have strength to walk.

On my daily walk, I might be able to add another day to my life but I can’t make the sun rise. The sunrise is a reminder that it’s God who gives us hope in Christ. For that, I too am hopeful.

–Devotional shared at the American Baptist Ministers Council of Northern California, December 9, 2021

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